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The following list of links are to sites suggested by one or more of the members of the society. We hope to expand upon this list as we find more places to explore on the web. We shall also endeavour to keep it up to date - there's nothing worse than a page of dead links !


SF & Fantasy

Brigade Models - Purveyors of the finest SF miniatures (and we're not just saying that 'cos it's run by two club members. Oh alright, we are).
Ground Zero Games - SF models almost as good as Brigade's
Games Workshop - No, they probably don't need any further advertising, but the LotR figures are very nice...

Historical (all periods)

Essex Miniatures - Excellent historical and fantasy 15 and 25mm figures.
Irregular Miniatures - inexpensive figures of all sizes in just about every period you can imagine.

20mm WW2

Milicast - More high quality resin.
Frontline - Loads of inexpensive resin models.
Gramodels - Excellent metal models (look under the 4mm heading).
Skytrex - Huge range of metal, variable but some very good stuff.
S&S - Small range of resin models.
FAA - Huge range of excellent figures and vehicles.
SHQ - Huge range of OK figures and excellent metal vehicles.
Red Star Models - a mention for our old pal Jeff Spain who makes superb resin vehicles, mostly of Soviet origin - no website unfortunately.


Veni Vidi Vici - most famous for flags and shield decals

Clubs and Societies

The Society of Fantasy and Science Fiction Wargamers
Newark Irregulars
South London Warlords
Society of Ancients
Brigade Group Modern Rules
British Historical Games Society
Milton Hundred Wargames Club

Show and Convention Sites

Cavalier - our 'local' show, held in Tonbridge, Kent.
Salute - the biggest one-day show in the UK, run by the South London Warlords at Olympia in April
SELWG - another big London show, this time at Crystal Palace each October
Partizan - not one but two shows run by Newark Irregulars.
Hammerhead - Hammerhead replaced the old Fantizan show at Newark.
Crisis - Excellent show in Antwerp, Belgium.
Broadside - the annual show of our neighbour Milton Hundred Wargames Club

General Gaming Sites

Tabletop Gaming News - the most up-to-date news site right now.
The Miniatures Page - good resource for news, and some very active forums.
Star Ranger - news site aimed squarely at spaceships only.
6mm Wargaming - what it says on the tin ...
10mm Wargaming - 10mm-scale specific site

Painting and Modelling

Humbrol Cross-Reference Page - convert between Humbrol enamels and other paint types
RBP Painting services

Other useful sites

The Nafziger Collection - TOEs and Orbats
Wehrmacht History 1935-1945 - the name says it all !


Very Secret Diaries - LotR Satire (also v.funny)
Larry Leadhead - the archetypal 'gamer
