As mentioned earlier in the week, we have a number of new 15mm SF models that we’ll be taking to Blast-tastic! tomorrow, and some of these are hitting the website today.


The Blaireau (Badger) and Belette (Weasel) are French-made 6×6 utility vehicles that are used for liaison, scout, troop-carrying, casevac, ELINT and any number of other purposes. They are from the same family as our existing Javelot and Lievre vehicles and share a common chassis and drive train.

The main difference is that while the Blaireau is an unarmed utility vehicle, the Belette has a turret ring fitted with a remote mount that can carry either twin MGs, a 5-barrel gatling or a twin Mantra missile pod – or in the case of the Martre (Marten) variant, a radar dish. So now you really can be ‘KBB’ (see below for the KBB reference from ‘Big Bang Theory’).

In addition to these, we also have a version of the Tassigny APC fitted with a radar instead of a turret, and also a radar dish on the Asterie remote base.

SF15-403e – Tassigny APC with Radar – £8.00
SF15-412a – Blaireau 6×6 Utility – £4.50
SF15-412b – Belette 6×6 with MG Turret- £4.50
SF15-412c – Belette 6×6 with Gatling Turret- £4.50
SF15-412d – Belette 6×6 with Missile Turret- £4.50
SF15-412e – Martre 6×6 with Radar – £4.50
SF15-413d – Remote Radar Mount – £1.50

And well done if you got this far down the post – tomorrow at Blast-tastic! we’ll have these for sale … they won’t be on the website for a week or so.


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