Apathy, apathy, apathy…

Quite a while ago I painted a house and I was very happy with the results. Buoyed by the success I started on some more.

And then.

Well nothing really. Now obviously in wargaming terms four years between glue and paint is nothing of which to be ashamed. In my defence I did do some painting but struggled to replicate the original test piece. Therefore as often happens the project was pushed to one side and ignored.

And so enter 2020. I’ve actually pulled my finger out and done something with them.

I still wasn’t able to match the look of the first one. Despite using the same technique of using the three pot sets of Foundry paints (base coat of the lightest colour and then subsequent washes of the two darker tones) I seem to have been more heavy handed with the application. This resulted with buildings that had a darker and more grimy feel.

Still as this is the sort of place where you might be able to hire a spaceship with “no questions asked” the darker look is ok.

I’m aiming for slightly less than four years for the next update.




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