Following on from the launch of our Shapeways shop, we’ve been beavering away at new items that we can add to it. As mentioned, we’re sticking to subjects that would be difficult to offer in conventional materials, and the new offerings are no different. Pride of place must go to the magnificient 6mm Pegasus Bridge model which has been created for Maidstone Wargames Society’s display game which you’ll be able to see for the first time at Salute in April.
The power station Cooling Tower is a response to a request on the 6mm miniatures Yahoo list – it’s a bit small compared to some real world counterparts which would reach as much as 2 feet high on a wargames table at 6mm scale ! We’ll be offering this in two sizes, 60mm and 100m high.
Next up is a modern Power Pylon, again not based on anything specific but typical of the many that we see marching across the countryside here in rural Kent.
Lastly for this preview comes a small Water Tower – again, this is for the Salute display game. It’s a pretty typical design, since I can’t find any photographic reference of the real thing that was in place on D-Day.
All of these models will be made available from our Shapeways store as soon as we’ve had prototypes back, just to prove that they work – probably 2-3 weeks (Pegasus Bridge might be a bit longer since the first attempt was rejected – which is why we get test prints first !!).
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