Anyone who went to Salute last year couldn’t have missed the remarkable Aeronef game run by Jon Rogers and his Arbuthnot’s Aeronautical League of Gentlemen. It was a truly spectacular affair depicting a clash between US and Japanese aerial fleets.
Arbuthnots are putting on a mega-game over the Christmas break in Cheam, south London. Jon has put a post on our forum with details of where, when, how much and how to get there.
If you’re at all interested in joining in, e-mail me and I’ll put you in touch with Jon so that he can determine final numbers, fleet allocations etc.
Brigade will be there (well, I will). I’ll be there to join in the game rather than taking an official trade stand, but if anyone wants me to bring any orders along then I’ll be more than happy to – you can even use our new Collect in Person shipping to pay in advance if you like :-).