Celtos – The Accursed Hosts of Anwyn

Welcome to the second in our series introducing the various races in Celtos.


When the Fir BoIg march to war they are a terrible and awesome sight. The Accursed Fir Bolg ranks have no fear of destruction. They are relentless in battle, and even though the average living warrior is physically more than a match for the reanimated cadavers, living warriors know fear. Perhaps even more terrifyingly, the Fir Bolg possess dark powers that can raise the dead mouldering in the soil below the very battlefield their enemies stand on. Even when the victory looks assured for the living, more Fir Bolg souls are just a sacrifice away from bursting through the gates of hell.


Players taking command of the undead warriors of the Fir Bolg will find that the stereotypical view of mindless, weak and slow warriors does not apply to the ranks of the Accursed. Although the spirit inhabited skeletons suffer some physical weaknesses they retain the memories and skills once possessed when alive, without the lingering fear of death.


In order for the ranks of undead to travel from Anwyn to the land of the living the must relay on the twisted Flesh Eaters and their dark priests. These creatures also provide the Fir Bolg player with ferocious living warriors and command of deadly magic. A unique and terrifying combination.

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One Response to Celtos – The Accursed Hosts of Anwyn

  1. Hairy Norseman says:

    Lovely paint jobs on the first batch of minis especially! That lass looks eeevilll!

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