Review of the Fleet

One task we’re slowly but steadily working through is to improve the quality of the photos on the website so that all of our models are shown at their best. We have a large and steadily increasing range of 1100+ models so as you can imagine this is a time-consuming exercise. Although we’re doing much of this work ourselves (I like painting, so it’s hardly a chore), some of the painting has been done by various friends who have volunteered their services. One such is Robin Fitton, author of the Gruntz ruleset, talented brush-wielder and all-round good egg. He took on the Herculean task of painting and photographing the whole of our British Aeronef fleet, and has made a cracking job of it.


I’ve already inserted his photographs into the British pages on the website, but we feel that they’re deserving of a wider audience, so here’s a gallery of highlights. Robin has assembled and painted the models ‘as-is’, without any modifications or super-detailing (that will come later) so you can see what can be achieved with them out of the box.


There are 170 models in the Nef range already, with scope to expand, so I’m not sure Robin’s quite grasped the task he’s taken on ! However, he’s already working on the next fleet – we look forward to seeing that one as well.

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