Continuing our range of 2mm buildings, I’ve decided to have a crack at some more modern fortifications. I’ve been working on some Normandy Atlantic Wall items to allow a refight of D-Day (don’t forget we already make Normandy rural houses and churches in the Small Scale Scenery range).
I’ve modelled M272 casemates and an M262a observation bunker for the Longues sur Mer battery. Each casemate is in two parts, top and bottom, and the shielded guns (which I believe were ex-destroyer mountings) are separate parts too.
I’ve also made the H669 casemate type for the Merville battery, allowing you to game the glider assault on that installation.
These are a bunch of Tobruk bunkers of different types, with tiny FT-17 turrets (the turrets are just over 1mm across !). I’ll also provide open versions, since they were also used with machine-gun emplacements instead of the tank turret.
This is the Grand Bunker, the AA control tower at Ouistreham. It’s a large but very plain structure, which may end up as a resin item, we’ll have to see.
I decided not to model the earth embankments that were built up around the bunkers – different sites were buried in different ways, and sites that were still under construction may not have been buried at all. So instead I’ll leave it to the gamer to use filler or clay to complete this part of the construction.
I’m still creating new emplacements – at the rate I’m going, I may have to split the Atlantic Wall models into two sets – they are not all going to fit into a single mould !
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