I spent yesterday at the workshop stocking up on our new releases, including the 6mm Mercenaries. I’ve also painted a sample set (as you can see above) and we’re really pleased with the way these have come out.
We will have a number of packs available for the Mercenaries, so today we thought we’d detail the contents.
IC-1501 – Mercenary Army Pack – £35.00
Contains: 12 Sohei (9 with DS gun and 1 each with powergun, gatling and laser); 12 Shaman (9 standard and 3 Firefly); 8 Magnus APC; 4 Legion Rocket Launchers; 3 Wizard Jeep; 48 infantry
IC-1511 – Mercenary Light Tank Company – £8.75
Contains: 12 Shaman (9 standard and 3 Firefly);1 Wizard Jeep
IC-1512 – Mercenary Heavy Tank Company – £14.00
Contains: 12 Sohei (9 with DS gun and 1 each with powergun, gatling and laser); 1 Wizard Jeep
IC-1513 – Mercenary Infantry Company – £11.75
Contains: 8 Magnus APC; 1 Wizard Jeep; 48 infantry
IC-1511 – Mercenary Support Company – £8.75
Contains 4 Legion Rocket Launchers; 4 Warlock Support Tanks; 4 Ontos Tank Destroyers; 1 Wizard Jeep
Most of our Mercenary stock will be concentrated in packs on Saturday; we won’t have a great deal of individual models to sell. The new batch of moulds that we’ve used to produce these new releases are giving us a little bit of trouble – they seem to get hot very quickly and start flashing. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, but when you’re trying to churn out lots and lots of models in a hurry it gets very frustrating.
Today is also your final, final chance to get in any pre-orders. I’m casting resin models today and tomorrow is the last day at the workshop casting metal – Friday will be spent packing the van and travelling up to the ExCel to start setting up the stand.
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