This COVID nonsense can really get lost, I’ve had enough now. I’ve stopped feeling ill, fatigue now seems to be a more of an issue, along with a touch of vertigo. I made a brief jaunt to the workshop at the end of last week, mainly to empty the car (still loaded with everything from the abortive Hammerhead trip). I did manage to finish up a few orders and they, along with the ones that were still left unsent from last week, have made it to the post office. This includes all orders bound for the EU, which have been shipped off to the distribution centre.
Yesterday I cleared the last of the orders that had been hanging around for a week or more, so they’re being posted today. So, still with a slight degree of trepidation, we can declare ourselves open for business again. The website has been switched back on and is ready for new orders.
All being well, we can get our new releases back on track too – there are spaceships, some cracking German buildings and more 15mm Hammer’s Slammers lined up.
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