Turkish Delight

As mentioned last week, it’s holiday time here at Brigade once again. Tony’s off to take in the delights of the old Ottoman Empire, perhaps taking in some inspiration for our Imperial Skies fleet or exploring the various Roman and Greek ruins for the Small Scale Scenery range (he’s not far from the Temple of Apollo at Didyma, below). As a consequence the workshop is now closed until we return on September 30th. The website remains open for orders, and these will be dealt with when we get back.

All orders up to #13301 have been shipped – apologies if your order number is after that, we just ran out of time to finish everything, but you’ll be put in the queue (which we’ll handle on a ‘first-in, first-out’ basis upon our return).

Temple image by AlexanderVanLoon, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
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