A Slight Delay

A few housekeeping bits today. Firstly, it’s your very last chance to get in an order for RE-Play this coming weekend at the Royal Engineers’ Museum, Gillingham. If you’re in the area and at a loose end, the museum is well worth a visit and as an added bonus you’ll get to see us and half-a-dozen other traders, plus a plethora of demonstration and participation games including our club, Maidstone Wargames Society.

Next up, there’s a slight delay on posting orders this week. Although we’ve finished and packed all orders up to the end of yesterday, we may not be able to post them until Thursday – the local post office is closed for a couple of days. Normal service will be resumed once they re-open.

It seems that the page for the Peder Skram model (last week’s release) didn’t publish correctly, which explains why no-one has bought one yet ! That has been fixed, so hopefully they’ll start flying off the shelves now.

And finally, we’ve fixed a bug which was preventing many of you from accessing our A Billion Suns ship allocation chart, which matches the models in our range with the different ship classes in the game. The file can be found here, and we’ve hopefully fixed the other blog posts where this link can be found.


RE Museum photo by Immanuel Giel via Wikipedia, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED

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