Category Archives: Polyversal
An Epic Scenario
You may (or may not) remember that back in 2016, we were involved in the successful Kickstarter for Polyversal, a 6mm SF miniatures game from Collins Epic Wargames. Byron from CEW has just published the first new scenario for the … Continue reading
Polyversal Fulfilled
Great news – two large boxes landed on Collins Epic Wargames doorstep last week containing around 1600 vehicles and 1200 Power Armour. That means we’ve fulfilled the final part of our contribution to the Polyversal Kickstarter. Apparently we’re the first … Continue reading
These Things Are Sent To Try Us
Yesterday the power went out at the workshop, mid-casting session, and didn’t come back for the rest of the day. Unfortunately this plunged me into pitch darkness and meant I wasn’t able to finish all the outstanding orders, which is … Continue reading
PacFed Progress
Although we’ve had a bit of a cold snap lately, during the day yesterday it was warm enough in the sunshine to work outside. I took advantage by firing up the airbrush and putting some paint on our new 6mm … Continue reading
Ridgway Remake
We showed some renders of the Ridgway combat walker a while ago. This is a contribution to the Polyversal project, and is a model that, initially at least, will only be available to Kickstarter backers (it’s likely to go on … Continue reading
PacFed Upgrades
One of our most popular 15mm ranges is the PacFed (Pacific Federation), probably because of their futuristic look with the wide grav skirts and rail guns. The designs are based on their 6mm counterparts but with a rather different styling … Continue reading
Casting and counting
As well as normal orders we’re also steadily working our way through the large number of 6mm tanks needed for our part of the Polyversal Kickstarter. We’re progressing nicely with them and the first parcel has just been dispatched. Pictured below … Continue reading
General Ridgway
The M-65 Ridgway is a one-man American Republic combat walker which can be equipped with a variety of weaponry depending on the required role. It’s also an additional contribution that we made towards the Polyversal Kickstarter – everyone who pledged … Continue reading
Polyversal PacFed
In the recent Polyversal Kickstarter, one of the starter armies available featured our PacFed models. We’re going to have to cast several thousand PacFed models to fulfill our part of the pledges, and we had already decided that we’d need … Continue reading
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