Aeronef at Stoke Rochford – advance orders

A week or so ago we posted the flyer for an Aeronef weekend at Stoke Rochford Hall in Lincolnshire. There is still time to get in if you fancy a weekend of jousting in aerial battleships – e-mail David Frampton for details.

What we forgot to mention is that we will be there for the Friday evening ‘get to know you’ drinks and Saturday’s gaming session (we’d love to stay all weekend but prior commitments mean we have to be off on Saturday evening unfortunately).

This isn’t a wargames convention as such, more a wargaming weekend, but we will be taking a mini trade stand with us; it’ll only be what we can pack in a car, so we won’t be taking our full ranges by any means, mainly the VSF ones (Aeronef and Land Ironclads). However, if anyone wants to order anything in advance or ask us to take along some particular items to have a look at then please let us know – preferably by the end of Thursday, so we have time to pack and do any necessary stocking up.

We should have plenty of stock of the new 2mm buildings that everyone seems to like so much 🙂

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