We thought we’d give you a quick look at some more 2mm buildings that we’ve been developing. We’ve taken to the rails (some would say we’ve gone off them) with a set of railway tracks and trackside buildings – stations, platforms, engine sheds, coaling stations etc.
The girder bridge is a one piece item and will be available in our 3D-printed Shapeways store. The rest of the models will be cast in pewter.
This close-up of a platform shows how much detail we’ve managed to build into the tracks themselves. Each track is 0.5mm across, and a sleeper is 3mm in length. A bit overscale, but it’s about as small as we could sensibly go.
The second set is a series of town shops – larger 3-4 story affairs that you can use to create your own bustling town centre.
As always, trying to photograph these models in their raw white state was a nightmare so I’ve tried them after a coat of grey primer, which is slightly better.
Pingback: [Escenografia] Set de trenes en 2mm | Miniaturas y Wargames
Are you guys still coming out with your ‘Mediterranean-style buildings’??
I could really use those in about a month or so for my Renaissance project.
*Great product line, btw
The Mediterranean buildings are next in the queue – we’re just awaiting a new batch of moulds (we used up our stocks in the build up to Salute).
Looks great. How long are the straight rail pieces and what mix of railroad figures are you planning for a pack? How many inches of rail line will be in a single pack?
— Andy
Each straight piece is 60mm long; the curves are also 60mm (this size happens to fit neatly in our moulds !). I’m not sure exactly how many pieces we’ll get in a pack, I would think around 20-24 (it’ll be however many pieces we can cram in a single mould). If it’s 24, I would think the mix will be something like 10 straight, 10 curves and 2 of each set of points.
The buildings pack will contain one of each models; two stations (each with platforms and track), a signal box, water tank, coaling tower, large and small engine shed, loading bay and several assorted small trackside buildings and sheds.
Any news on a release date for these yet?
I’ve been looking for this sort of stuff for ages without any luck until now.
Oh before I go will you be doing rolling stock in the same scale?
We’re just waiting for me to sort out the tins for the track production mould, then we’ll be ready to go. My aim is to get the British spaceships and the 2mm railway out this month (June). Here’s hoping …
I’m aiming to do rolling stock too – they’ll be generic types, trying to accurately model an LNER 1-3-7 Wigan Special Shunter in 2mm scale is madness (and asking for trouble from those who know far more about trains than I ever will !).
And before anyone asks the obvious, armoured trains are definitely on my to-do list.
Nah just a generic choice of Steam Engines and rolling stock will do me.
Thanks for the quick reply, I’ll have to have a re-think on my current scenery know I’ve seen your stuff.