Some of the most popular new models on Saturday were our 6mm Desert Dome buildings, so appropriately enough they are the first to be added to the website. There are five buildings of varying sizes which are all available now. In the photo below you can see a few of our Mercenary 6mm vehicles, which are next on the release list.
B300-401 – Large Domed Building – £2.50
B300-402 – Medium Cylindrical Building – £2.00
B300-403 – Small Cylindrical Building – £1.50
B300-404 – Small Multi-dome Dwelling – £1.00
B300-405 – Small Oval Dwelling – £1.00
Nice. Russian ships? 🙂
Couple of weeks – we pretty much sold out at Salute so stocks need replenishing, and I need to paint a set. The ones we had on display were only quickly assembled and ink-washed, so I need to do them properly first.
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