As my 15mm armies grow, I’m finding that I need new infantry basing options for different forces. So today we’re adding several new types to our range of Fireteam Bases. If you haven’t come across these before, they’re a range of resin sabot bases that allow you to use individually based figures in teams for rules that require infantry to move together (and you can also remove casualties if needed).
The three new bases all take two figures – two are 45mm square bases for pairs of cavalry figures, grav bikes or similar – the difference is the size of figure base they accomodate. The other is a half-size base for command, heavy weapon or sniper teams, dismounted vehicle crew etc. We also have stocks of M10 washers to fit the cavalry base. Above you can see SF15-920 (left) and SF15-922 – since we don’t yet have any cavalry or grav bike models, I’ve put some infantry figures in there.
SF15-920 – Two-man Grav Bike base – £0.50
SF15-921 – Two-man Cavalry base – £0.50
SF15-922 – Two-man Half-base – £0.40
SF15-918 – M10 (20mm) washer (x25) – £1.00
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