Local Venue

After the hype and excitement of a massive event like Salute, it’s quite nice to return to normality at a smaller show. Broadside is our local show, and about as local as it can get – I live a ten minute walk from the venue in Sittingbourne. It’s an excellent do, well run by the friendly hosts, Milton Hundred Wargames Club. It’s fast approaching, and will be held on Sunday 14th from 10-4pm.


Because it’s so close to us, we haul as much as we can with us so we should be very well stocked. If you’d like to place an order for collection at the show we’re still open to requests for a few more days.

We will have some new bits with us, of which more next week. We’re still sorting through the Armies Army moulds and should have a fair number of packs with us. However if there are any specific models from the AA range that you would like us to bring then please get in touch and we will do our best to get the moulds running for you.

As an added bonus, our friend Robin Fitton is running a demo’ of his new Imperial Skies rules using our Aeronef models which you can join in with.


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