Phil has been dialling down the printer settings again to produce more 15mm scale Great War vehicles. Today we’re concentrating on the German Empire, with two armoured cars and the huge 21cm M10 Mörser.
The Bussing was a massive vehicle, effective in its way but only one was produced in the end which served on the Russian front. Instead, the Germans concentrated production on the Ehrhardt design, which also served on the Eastern front, including against the Romanians.
The 21 cm Mörser M10 was, despite its name, a howitzer (the Germans classified it as a mortar). Over 200 were in service in 1914. As well as its historical rôle, we think that it would serve just as well in a Grimdark/Gothic sci-fi setting, with a crew in Picklehaubes and gas masks…
GW28-301 – Büssing A5P – £9.00
GW28-302 – 21cm Mörser M10 – £5.00
GW28-303 – Ehrhardt E-V/4 M1917 – £5.00
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