We launched our new Agricultural Colony back in the bright days of the summer, and it’s been one of the more popular styles of 6mm buildings that we’ve come up with. So we felt it was time to expand the colony a bit with some new designs from the factories of Thunberg-Haalland.
We have a new large homestead building (imaginatively name Homestead-4), large enough to be home to one of the families of colonisers on Rallance-IV. As with other homestead designs it sits on a raised platform to keep it away from minor flooding and local critters.
The second new design is a larger building with several sections that can be configured as a headquarters for the local council, public community centre, or just a set of offices for the local branch of T-H. It could even be pressed into service as a monorail station if you remove the rear set of steps. During development it was dubbed The Pavilion, for reasons that now elude us, but the name has stuck.
B300-1310 – The Pavilion – £6.00
B300-1311 – Homestead-4 – £3.50
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