So that’s it – Salute is over for another year. It’s a bit like Christmas in that we spend weeks preparing for it, then it’s all over in a day. We had a very busy time again, with the two of us plus special guest Jeremey (who always helps us out at Salute) working the card machine all day.
Due to a combination of Salute preparations, the rather badly timed outbreak of COVID and the Easter holiday (those two working days lost just before every Salute are such a pain), we’re a little behind on orders. So Tony has been banished back to the workshop again (where he spent much of last week) in order to clear the backlog – if all goes well, he should be able to get the order queue down to pretty much nothing by Friday. At which point he will then depart for a well-earned break next week, before presumably returning to a new pile of orders when he comes back !
We’ll start getting the Salute releases onto the website later this week. First up will be the 15mm releases spread over this week and next, with the other items coming later. We stagger the releases over several weeks to avoid getting swamped by loads of orders all at once – it helps spread the load a bit.
Still on the topic of Salute, the Maidstone Wargames Society display game (which Phil made pretty much on his own) came away with the prize for Most Innovative Game. So well done Phil, and the crew of MWS who spent the day guiding players through the skies of the Battle of Britain. You can see more about the game on the club website.
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