Category Archives: New Releases
Count(er)ing the Cost
We mentioned that we would have something new for Hammer’s Slammers players, and here it is. We used to stock sets of acrylic laser cut counters for The Crucible ruleset, with markers for orders, damage, suppression and missiles. Rising costs … Continue reading
Harbour Lights
First up, it’s last call for any orders for Colours – you can place the order via the website, or just send us a list and pay on the day. New this week we have some additions to the 1/700th … Continue reading
Back to the Bunker
Today sees the return of another old favourite. Our 15mm Bunker has been out of production for a while, but while it’s been away we’ve given it a revamp. The previously empty interior has been spruced up with the addition … Continue reading
Steller Freight
Today’s offerings are a pair of freighters to add to our burgeoning spaceship merchant fleet. The Auberon is a general purpose freighter with three large cargo holds, each of which can be pressurised or left open to vacuum as required. … Continue reading
The Great White Admiral
For the last year or two our Imperial Skies releases have mostly been concentrated on the South American project, where we’ve added fleets for almost every country in that great continent (almost – there’s one more to go, Venezuela, and … Continue reading
The Monstrous Sisters
Today we have a new addition to the stable of Centurions, the multi-wheeled campaign vehicles used by many mercenary forces in the Hammerverse. Centurions are large and roomy, allowing detachments to travel in relative comfort with plenty of space for … Continue reading
Addressing Gettysburg
New this week, a pair of models for Gettysburg in 1/1000th scale. ‘A pair ?’ we hear you say, ‘There’s only one in the photos !’. But this set does consist of two models – first, the Lutherian Seminary building, … Continue reading
Back to our Rootes
Brigade are from Maidstone – the one in Kent, the Garden of England, rather than any of our namesakes in the USA, Canada or Australia ! As part of our Small Scale Scenery range we’re starting to recreate a few … Continue reading
The Two Towers (and the Enneagram)
Today we have a one-of-a-kind offering from the talented Phil Page (aka 6MilPhil on various forums and social media, and proprietor of Slug Industries). It’s a rocky outcrop with a winding stair, topped with a selection of options – two … Continue reading
Suit Up !
Germy’s been busy again – this time, creating a number of new 6mm Power Armour figures for us. These suits are more like small walkers, still one-man individual units but taller than a normal infantryman (they come in at 10mm … Continue reading
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