As promised we still have one or two last minute new items … so last minute we don’t even have photos !
There are three Aeronef models; the Heyworth Bomber (as previewed a couple of weeks back), British Victoria class Heavy Battleship, which is a magnificient beast and threatens to spark a new battleship-building arms race in the Aeronef world, and the Stirling Castle class Passenger Liner.
There are two small spaceships, the AmRep Phoenix class strikeship and the German Spatz class missile boat. Finally, and the first of our new revamped, 3D sculpted 15mm SF range, the AmRep Curtiss heavy hover tank. If I get a chance to take photos at any time this evening I will, but I’m still frantically painting the final bits for the Pegasus bridge game !
And last but not least, a customer advance ordered some of our Shapeways items for collection at Salute, and now it appears that he doesn’t want them (after we’d paid for and ordered them in before the show … grrr !). So we’ll have a few of our assorted Water Towers for sale, along with several sets of Power Pylons (all in 6mm). So why not take the chance to pick these up post free ?