A Blast-tastic! Brucie Bonus

I’ve been busy casting resin stock for Blast-tastic! on Saturday, and it looks like we’re going to be able to bring along some as-yet unreleased models for sale on the day. I’ve managed to produce enough stock of several new models – the South African Ratel medium wheeled tank and Oliphant SP gun, support and anti-tank gun versions of the Polish Suwalska half-track and new variants of the EuroFed 4×4/6×6 wheeled utility vehicles, the Blaireau and Belette (these latter two will probably be on the website at the end of the week anyway). We won’t have a huge amount of stock, but then the 15mm range is now so big that we’re only able to carry 4-5 of any one vehicle to a show.


As if that wasn’t enough, we’ve also cast up stock of the former ArmiesArmy RUSK infantry to bring with us (although they aren’t yet on the website) and I’m also optimistic that we’ll get have of the Tolero and Yeti alien figures (I’ve managed to sort the moulds so they cast reliably, I just need to churn out a few).


And finally, we should also have something big, 15mm and stompy for you too…


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