Category Archives: Shipping Stories
Service Update
So… the centrifuge has been back in service for a couple of weeks and all is well again – in fact it’s running better than before. The old motor had been imperceptibly slowing down for a while before it finally … Continue reading →
Houston, We’ve Had a Problem…
From our post of November 16th: For the first time in several years, everything seems to have come together, the stars have aligned and we’re able to run our Christmas Sale as we would want to. No-one’s ill, there are … Continue reading →
Tied up in Red Tape
Some not so good news, I’m afraid. In a few days time (December 13th to be precise) new EU regulations kick in called GPSR (General Product Safety Regulation). This has rather caught us by surprise; we only heard about it … Continue reading →
Shows, Shipping and Structures
We’ll start today with some hot-off-the-press news – due to an issue with the venue, this year’s Hereward wargames show, which should have been on the 8th of September, has unfortunately had to be cancelled. This is a shame for … Continue reading →
Hotel Hobbies
So, the latest from Royal Mail as far as sending overseas parcels goes is … err … no change. Although there is some light at the end of the tunnel as RM have started accepting overseas letters again (anything without … Continue reading →
Not us, fortunately, but it appears that the Royal Mail have been hit by a cyber attack that has severely affected their ability to ship parcels overseas. The current advice is not to send any new packages until the situation … Continue reading →
Deep and Crisp and Even
We have two pieces of Christmas-related news today. The first relates to our Christmas sale – or rather, the lack of this year. If you recall, Tony was a bit under the weather earlier in the autumn and was laid … Continue reading →
Holiday time
Next week Tony’s off for a late summer holiday (staying in a posh tent like the one below), so we will effectively be closed for a few days. We’ve posted as many orders as we could get done in the … Continue reading →
Postal delays and Return to Colours
If you’re in the UK you’ll probably know this, but for the benefit of our overseas customers, Royal Mail staff are staging a series of strikes which could affect our shipping times. The first one was last week and the … Continue reading →
Feelin’ Hot, Hot, Hot…
Tony is back at work after his holiday, so we thought it was time for a quick update on orders. We’re steadily working through the backlog that built up while he was away, so far we’ve managed to clear almost … Continue reading →
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