Category Archives: Imperial Skies
Coming in 2022
We did promise recently that we’d give a few clues about what we have coming in 2022 (beware what you say in a Facebook comment…). As always, our release schedule will be fairly fluid (there are weeks when we’re scrabbling … Continue reading
The ABC of South America
Militarily, the three most powerful nations in South America have always been Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Having already released the latter two Imperial Skies fleets, we’re completing the alphabetical trifecta with the Argentines. There are seven models in the fleet … Continue reading
The Lady with the Lamp
Next off the Salute conveyor belt is the Nightingale Hospital Ship, a new Merchant vessel for Imperial Skies. It’s the size of a battleship and has plenty of game value as an objective or even maybe a game where you … Continue reading
Salute 21 – The Final Tally
As this post is published, we’ll be loading the van ready for the drive to ExCel where we’ll be setting up for Salute tomorrow. We have some last minute additions to the roster; the 15mm Sincanmo dune buggies get some … Continue reading
The Argentines Set Sail for Salute
Making their debut at Salute 2021 are the redesigned Argentine Imperial Skies fleet. There are seven craft in all – replacements for the existing five models, plus a new battlecruiser, the Libertad, and a frigate, the Guerrico. They retain the … Continue reading
Wide Brazilian Sky
Progress is slower than we hoped on the South American Imperial Skies project, but the next of the fleets to get a makeover is the largest of the countries, Brazil. It has a total of 12 different models in the … Continue reading
Closest Point to the Sun
We’re currently working hard on the redesigned Brazilian and Argentine fleets for Imperial Skies. They’re almost ready to go in fact, with the first samples waiting to be painted, and production moulds lined up at the workshop in anticipation. But … Continue reading
Bases Are Back – At Last!
As you’re doubtless aware if you have more than a passing acquaintance with this blog, we’ve been completely out of flying stands for some time. Our normal supplier’s mould had failed, and injection moulds are expensive, specialist items to repair … Continue reading
Aerial Traders
This week we have a couple of new sets of merchant vessels for Imperial Skies. Although an unarmed cargo carrier may not seem the most exciting of models, they open up more possibilities for game scenarios. These can range from … Continue reading
Upholding the Constitucion
So the South American thing we mentioned earlier in the week… it starts here. We’re getting off the ground gently with a new battlecruiser for the Chilean fleet, the Constitucion class. You may remember that the Chilean fleet has already … Continue reading
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